Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Open Question: How to get rid of reoccurring yeast infections?

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Open Question: How to get rid of reoccurring yeast infections?

So November 28th I went to the doctor with my first yeast infection. She gave me the Fluconazole 150mg pill and I also used Monistat 3. Since then I have had 3 more. For the second one I used Monistat 7 and it went away for a couple weeks, then I got another one and I used two Monistat 3's back to back and it went away for a few weeks but I think I might be getting another one now. The only symptom I have this time is slight itching. I have no odor or discharge. The first 2 times it was a lot worse with severe itching, redness, swelling, burning and painful sex. I have been tested for stds so I know its not that. I am on a low dose oral contraceptive and I started it when I got treated for my first yeast infection. I use to have a diet very high in sugars and recently I have cut out almost all sugars to see if that helps as I have read sugar feeds yeast. I am also taking Acidophius pills (1 Billion live cells per serving) instead of eating the plain unsweetened yogurt because I can't stand the taste of it. I make sure to not get any soaps or fragrances in that area so I don't think its because of that. How can I make them go away for good? I'm not sure whether to go back to the doctor or not because I do not have health insurance so its expensive for me. I am 19 by the way. Any information or advice is greatly appreciated, thank you!

Could me and my boyfriend be passing it back and forth? We have had unprotected sex a couple times when I wasn't having any symptoms and I thought it was gone.

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