Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Health Insurance Quote News May 6, 2014

Here is the latest Health Insurance Quote News May 6, 2014. Please give us your feedback. Are you one of the ones who has to sign up for Obama Care? Please let us know.,
Originally from : http://www.cincinnati.com/story/news/2014/05/05/want-health-insurance-wait/8723389/
Still need health insurance? Be ready to wait until this fall to get coverage, unless you have a "big change" in your life.
Across the country, the year-round individual health insurance market effectively is shut down, as insurers embrace what they see as the protection provided by open enrollment periods under Obamacare and employer-provided plans.
Large employer-sponsored and group health insurance plans have used open enrollment for decades as a safeguard for their bottom lines, says Hans Leida, an actuary at Seattle-based Milliman, an actuarial and consulting firm.
Originally from : http://www.bostonglobe.com/lifestyle/health-wellness/2014/05/05/mass-scrapping-flawed-health-insurance-website-saying-too-broken-fix/oVT1f1X9hE4jaNOfF5XaiP/story.html
Massachusetts plans to scrap the state’s dysfunctional online health insurance website, after deciding it would be too expensive and time-consuming to fix, and replace it with a system used by several other states to enroll residents in plans.
Simultaneously, the state is preparing to temporarily join the federal HealthCare.gov insurance marketplace in case the replacement system is not ready by the fall.
The strategy announced Monday will still cost an estimated $100 million, and it creates many uncertainties, especially for insurance companies and consumers. Some customers might eventually need to change insurance plans.
Originally from : http://denver.cbslocal.com/2014/05/05/high-county-health-insurance-shoppers-urged-to-contact-state/

Four Western Slope counties have the highest insurance rates in the country, and time is running out for thousands of Coloradans there who are trying to get less expensive health care.
Some say it’s discrimination, and now the state may change it.
“We’re at a breaking point here in the high country where doing nothing is not acceptable to us,” said Summit County Commissioner Dan Gibbs.
For many in Summit, Eagle, Pitkin and Garfield counties Connect for Health Colorado — Colorado’s health insurance marketplace set up under the Affordable Care Act — exposed how expensive health insurance is

Originally from : http://www.stltoday.com/news/special-reports/mohealth/updates/poll-more-people-have-health-insurance/article_3b4873c3-b4e9-55b3-ac38-dde390608e50.html

The percentage of Americans without health insurance has dropped to the lowest point in at least six years, according to a new Gallup poll that suggests the country is readily feeling the effects of the sweeping new health care law.
The 13.4 percent uninsured rate among adults — the lowest since Gallup starting tracking the number in January 2008 — is down from 17.1 percent near the end of 2013 and 15.6 percent at the end of this year's first quarter. The uninsured rate fell 2.2 percent between April and the first quarter of 2014, suggesting that the Affordable Care Act's late enrollment surge was driven by people who previously lacked coverage.

Originally from : http://www.washingtonpost.com/local/dc-politics/dc-council-approves-broad-new-tax-on-insurance-to-cover-citys-health-care-exchange/2014/05/06/da3770bc-d51f-11e3-8a78-8fe50322a72c_story.html

The D.C. Council on Tuesday unanimously approved a one-of-its-kind new tax on all health-related insurance products sold in the nation’s capital to solve a big money problem faced by its online health insurance exchange.
Like the 14 states that started online marketplaces, the District faced a year-end deadline to prove its Web site can move past technology glitches to meet the next looming challenge in President Obama’s Affordable Care Act: financial self-sufficiency.

D.C. Council approves broad new health insurance tax

D.C. Council approves broad new health insurance tax
First in the nation tax on all health insurance products needed to cover costs of D.C. exchange.

D.C. Council to vote on broad new health exchange tax

First in the nation tax on all health insurance products needed to cover costs of D.C. health exchange

Barry accuses local reporters of profiting from his life story

Barry accuses local reporters of profiting from his life story
Ex-mayor has a book coming out and hopes to sell movie rights, even with another film possibly in the works.

But unlike the others, the city did not have enough customers buying insurance

Originally from : http://www.nytimes.com/2014/05/01/upshot/employer-sponsored-health-insurance-may-be-on-the-way-out.html

The days of Americans getting health insurance through their employers may be numbered — and the change could be just as profound as the shift of employers forcing employees to manage their own retirement savings.
As the Affordable Care Act goes from thousands of pages of legalese to actual, real-life public policy, the future of employer-provided health insurance is one of the most fascinating questions.

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