Thursday, February 12, 2015

Obama Care News Feb 12,2015

Let's take a look at this some poll on Obama care from Fox News. It's a pretty interesting poll take a look at it and let us know your thoughts on it.
It’s a tossup. American voters are sharply divided over whether ObamaCare will ultimately be a good thing or a bad thing for the country. The latest Fox News national poll also finds that, while a majority wishes the 2010 health care law had never passed, the number of voters who are glad it did is at an all-time high.
In the end, will ObamaCare be a good thing or a bad thing for the country? The new poll, released Thursday, finds views split 47-47 percent on that question. A year ago, more voters said it would be a bad thing by 51-42 percent.
 Credits: Fox News Poll: Will ObamaCare ultimately be a good thing or a bad thing?
Sen. Cassidy, a physician has some interesting thoughts on Obama care and maybe some alternatives that might work out better
Cassidy, a physician who has worked for 25 years in the LSU Health Care System serving the uninsured, suggests a number of steps to replace the Affordable Care Act.
Among the provisions outlined by Cassidy is a tax cut or credit to every American not receiving a subsidy via not having to pay taxes on the coverage already provided through employer-based health plans. The credit, he said, would be sufficient to cover the cost of major medical insurance supplemented with a prescription drug benefit and a health savings account.
 Credits: Sen. Cassidy continues to hit Obamacare, offers outline of alternative health law
So here's a question for you why are almost 200,000 people getting kicked off Obama care? You look at the article below them I give you some further insight on this law that is really turned out to be somewhat of a disaster.

Some 200,000 Obamacare enrollees are about to be kicked off their insurance policies after they failed to confirm that they are legally living in the United States administration officials announced Thursday. Under the health law, people enrolled in exchange policies must be able to prove legal status.
Last summer, the administration announced that there were significant discrepancies in hundreds of thousands of Obamacare applications—specifically dealing with citizenship. Health officials sent out letters in August to about 300,000 enrollees with application discrepancies asking them to send in relevant documents to confirm their legal status and resolve the issue
 Credits: Thousands to Get Booted From Obamacare Plans
I know any wall has flaws and sometimes they must be tweaked to make the wall better. For some reason Pres. Obama does not want to make any concessions. It seems like when it comes to the affordable healthcare law that is either his way or no way, just like a lot of other issues that this administration take stands on.

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