Saturday, March 24, 2012

The Broccoli Mandate | The Health Care Blog

health insurance - Google Blog Search

The Broccoli Mandate | The Health Care Blog

The questions, if the federal government can make everyone buy health insurance at a particular coverage level and type, can it make everyone buy anything? For example, could the federal government require everyone to ...

Google Videos - health insurance

Its about economy of scale. When you sign up for healthcare coverage, you join a group of other people to combine your healthcare purchasing power ...

health insurance - Bing News

What's fair got to do with health insurance premiums? - Oregonian

When I turned 40 a few months ago, my health insurance premium went up considerably. I pay an extra $92 each month for the same plan because of the age change and annual increases that have been biting most people in the backside. Yet in my 39th ...

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