Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Debate Watch: Gingrich vs. FactCheckers on federal health insurance mandate

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Debate Watch: Gingrich vs. FactCheckers on federal health insurance mandate

FlackCheck.org highlights a FactCheck.org analysis of former Speaker Gingrich's support of a federal insurance mandate.


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Open Question: Birth Control Question?

This is getting somewhat personal but I have an important question to ask. Me and my boyfriend want to have unprotected sex. With this there is always the chance of pregnancy. I want to reduce the chance of that significantly so I was thinking about going on birth control. He will be coming back from school in April and at that point If we are ready I would like to have intercourse with him, without a condom. My question is: I don't have health insurance or a doctor, how can I get birth control and be sure it is the right kind. I know it messes with hormones and such, so i don't want to get the wrong one. Also how long must I be taking it for in order to be sure I won't become pregnant on that day. And are there any other things I can do other then using a condom that can prevent childbirth?
To those with all the rude comments. This is not an attempt to be skany, this is my first time with my boyfriend and I want it to be fluid and special. If you have anything to say please let it be comments useful toward my situation. I am also not a teen. Thanks.

Google Videos - health insurance

Its about economy of scale. When you sign up for healthcare coverage, you join a group of other people to combine your healthcare purchasing power ...


Preventive Care Services Covered at 100% Under Health Care Reform?

WPS Health Insurance, a Leading Provider of Individual Health Insurance, Explains

(PRWeb January 31, 2012)

Read the full story at

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