Thursday, January 19, 2012

Washington ruling could mean $145 million rebate to Floridians for health insurance

health insurance - Yahoo! News Search Results

Washington ruling could mean $145 million rebate to Floridians for health insurance

A little-known part of the federal healthcare reform act could get Floridians $145 million in insurance rebates and perhaps put many insurance agents out of business.

health insurance - Google News

Washington ruling could mean $145 million rebate to Floridians for health ... -

Washington ruling could mean $145 million rebate to Floridians for health ...
By John Dorschner A final ruling from Washington is expected as early as Friday on Florida's request for a waiver from a healthcare reform provision that could mean an additional $145 million in rebates to Floridians who buy health insurance on the ...

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Open Question: Does jail pay for your medical expense, if you don't have insurance?

This sounds like a joke, I know, but it isn't; it's desperation. I'm trying to find a way to get my husband help. He's got a ridiculous amount of health issues -- uncontrolled diabetes, SEVERE neuropathy/pain (the kind that makes you stay awake until you pass out), shaking (takes Parkinson meds for this), etc. He is NOT a strong man; he's quite weak from all of this.
Not enough for you? He cannot get Medicare for another NINE MONTHS. The guy's got it bad,and on top of all the rest of this, he has several teeth needing removed. He has always had bad teeth, from the time he was a little boy. He's done everything he could to save his teeth for YEARS, but without regular dental check-ups, he's lost that battle, too, but can't get them pulled, which, of course, puts his life at risk daily just with that.
Although we are both on disability, we do not qualify for food stamps, Medicaid, or low-income medical clinic. (Honestly, if we broke up and he moved in with family, he could qualify. Our daughter gets Medicaid, and it pays for my Medicare -- I was born with a substantial birth defect -- but that money they put on me *somehow* keeps them from giving him Medicaid.)
We're trying to find SOMETHING to help him through til September, when he'll finally get the medical help he needs. Until then, we have to think outside the box, like either breaking up or going to prison. Being he really doesn't have any family to take him in, nor do I, which leaves doing something stupid to put him in jail. Nowadays they want to just fine you and put you back out there. What if, instead of paying, he goes ahead and accepts like a 30-day sentence, just to get some medical help? Of course, I also don't know that they'd allow him Methadone, which is the only prescription that touches his pain. But his pain specialist just let him go this week as a patient, because we owe $600 we can't pay.
If there's a doctor reading this (or some other professional) that could offer alternative advice, PLEASE let me know. We're really this desperate, and now my husband is going to go through even worse pain, because he won't have pain relief meds.

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