Sunday, April 8, 2012

Open Question: Swollen Tonsil Remedies?

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Open Question: Swollen Tonsil Remedies?

Last year, I got a bad case of tonsilitis. I know that when that happens, it is common to be left with a small hole that may end up filling with food particles that break lose. I contacted my Ear, Nose and Throat doctor and he said that I should just gargle with salt water to keep the food from getting stuck. It hasn't much helped, but it isn't that terrible - despite the fect that it is a little gross.

However, the area that was infected last year is now kind of swollen. I know that it is allergy season and I have been stressed, so these could factor in as well. But I wonder if there are other remedies that I don't know about that might help. I normally would not ask a health question here, I would ask my doctor. But I was laid a few months ago and I lost my health insurance as a result.

1. No pain
2. No difficulty breathing, talking, or swallowing
3. Occassional pits of food particles (again, ew - but not as exasperating as the swelling)
4. No redness
5. no tenderness

Any thoughts?

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