Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Open Question: Very small spot on mom's lung found in Chest Xray?

Yahoo! Answers: Search for

Open Question: Very small spot on mom's lung found in Chest Xray?

My mom is 65 years old and is scheduled for parathyroid surgery to remove an overactive parathyroid. Yesterday they did a pre-op chest xray and routine blood tests.

The surgeon called last night to say that they saw a very small spot on her chest xray and they want a CT scan now. The doctor said it is probably nothing but they must follow up to be sure. Health insurance is now dragging their feet to grant the Dr's request for the CT scan.

My mother and I are very scared. She has never smoked and is in good health besides the parathyroid problem. She has no symptoms regarding her lungs and just ran up 6 flights of stairs twice last week at work without any issues. She did have bacterial pneumonia in the past and has traveled to Denver, Colorado lately. She hasn't had a chest xray in a very long time.

Of course I am fearing the worst....cancer. What are the chances that this is cancerous and does anyone have any experiences with small nodules discovered on chest x rays?
I love my mother very much and hope it is nothing...but any info would help.

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