Sunday, April 1, 2012

Open Question: Who runs "Americans Against the Tea Party?

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Open Question: Who runs "Americans Against the Tea Party?

I have been following a group on Facebook. They have a blog, too Americans Against the Tea Party. They have 156,000+ followers. Pretty impressive for some couple of guys in a basement? Or no big deal for some massive PR firm...?

I am starting to wonder if they are a front for someone else. They relentlessly promote the individual mandate and th ACA and have no interest in talking about single payer health care reform. I finally got fed up and posted a very long comment about how the IM has lead to HIGHER costs in Massachusetts, rather than lower, that the ACA enforces patronage of the current system with no price or premium controls or over sight over what claims need be paid. I pointed out that MSNBC has a conflict of interest promoting the law because their parent company, GE, is a medical instrument manufacturer, who would have seen profit losses if we had established nationwide single payer, with the resultant negotiating powers to bring down prices of drugs and equipment.

Shortly there after I started getting menacing warnings from Facebook, and when I asked my friends why, someone told me "Someone must have reported you" When I went to the AATTP page to look for my comment, I was no longer a "liker" and I had not "unliked" them. Because of this I suspected it was *they* that reported me for making "irrelevant or inappropriate comments" (What I said was TOTALLY relevant) and I began to wonder, who are these guys anyway? Are they run by MSNBC? Are they run by the insurance industry who stands to make a killing if (when!) the individual mandate stands? I really want to know, because soooo many of my friends follow them, and they are being led astray, on the issue of health care, at least, which seems to be their primary focus. Well that and posting anti-Republican things. Are they run by the Democratic party?

If you KNOW and have REFERENCES please answer. Guesses won't help. I need to tell my friends who they really are, if they turn out to be people with a conflict of interest.

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URINE Soaked EGGS Insures Healthy Life Treats in China

It's the end of a school day in the eastern Chinese city of Dongyang, and eager parents collect their children after a hectic day of primary school. But that's just the start of busy times for dozens of egg vendors across the city, deep in coastal Zhejiang province, who ready themselves to cook up a unique springtime snack favoured by local residents. Basins and buckets of boys' urine are collected from primary school toilets. It is the key ingredient in "virgin boy eggs", a local tradition of soaking and cooking eggs in the urine of young boys, preferably below the age of 10. There is no good explanation for why it has to be boys' urine, just that it has been so for centuries. The scent of these eggs being cooked in pots of urine is unmistakable as people pass the many street vendors in Dongyang who sell it, claiming it has remarkable health properties. "If you eat this, you will not get heat stroke. These eggs cooked in urine are fragrant," said Ge Yaohua, 51, who owns one of the more popular "virgin boy eggs" stalls "They are good for your health as is health insurance. Our family has them for every meal. In Dongyang, every family likes eating them." It takes nearly an entire day to make these unique eggs, starting off by soaking and then boiling raw eggs in a pot of urine. After that, the shells of the hard-boiled eggs are cracked and they continue to simmer in urine for hours. Vendors have to keep pouring urine into the pot and controlling the fire to keep the eggs <b>...</b>


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