Saturday, June 30, 2012


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Health Insurance Florida We offer Affordable Health Insurance for anyone,regardless of your medical situation. Below is a partial list of Medical Conditions for our Guaranteed Issue Health Insurance. Addison Disease, AIDS or AIDS Related Complex, Alcohol Abuse Dependency, Alzheimer's Syndrome, Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS --Lou Gehrig's Disease), Aneurysm, Angina Pectoris, Angioplasty, Ankylosing spondylitis, Aortic Disorders, Arteriosclerosis, Arthrosclerosis, Auto Immune Disorders, Autis, Berger's Disease, Bipolar Disorder, Bulimia (Bulemia),Cancer -- malignant tumors, Cardiac Pacemaker, Cardiomyopathy (myocardiopathy), Carotid Artery Disease, Cerebral Palsy, Cerebrovascular Accident (Stroke), Cerebrovascular Disease, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD),Cirrhosis,Colitis (Ulcerative), Congestive Heart Failure (CHF), Connective Tissue Disorder, Coronary Angioplasty,Coronary Artery Disease (CAD), Coronary Heart Disease (CHD), Coronary Thrombosis, Coronary Heart Failure, Crohn's Disease,Cushing's Syndrome, Cystic Fibrosis, Cystic Kidney Disease, Dementia, Diabetes Mellitus, Down's Syndrome, Drug (Narcotic) Use within 10 yrs, Emphysema, Epstein-Barr, Fabry's Disease, Fatty Liver, Fibromyalgia, Gastric Resection/Bypass,Heart Attack -- Myocardial Infarction, Heart Enlargement /hypertrophy /cardiomegaly, Heart or Lung Transplant, Hemiplegia, Hemophilia, Hepatitis B, C, E or chronic Hepatomegaly <b>...</b>


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Open Question: HSA or FSA? Any Health Insurance savvy people?

I"m signing up for health benefits at work.

A little backround - Type 1 Diabetic, looking to get back on the pump, I get a lot of prescriptions every month when on the pump. I also see a specialist every 3 months.
My deductible will be 4800 as I am adding my son as well. I will meet my deductible quickly.

I was going to save 60/a month to put in my HSA which my company meets at 5:1 which is awesome I'd have 300 dollars a month. However I was told by another diabetic to do the FSA which gives you 2500 dollars right off the bat and then take out I guess 200 dollars a month ( which is more than I wanted, but I would have to pay out of my pay anyways for prescription coverage until I met my deductible)

Anyways which should I do? HSA or FSA?

health insurance - Bing News

Health care focus shifts to states -

One hundred dollars a month. That's how much money 49-year-old Rena Freeman thinks she could spend on health insurance and still have enough money left to pay the bills at her hair salon at the foot of Signal Mountain and at her home. Freeman hasn't had ...

Google Videos - health insurance

The Supreme Court's decision to uphold the Affordable Care Act ensures hard-working, middle class families will get the security they deserve ...

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