Friday, June 1, 2012

Open Question: College application question, resident issues?

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Open Question: College application question, resident issues?

Ok, so I'm filling out a transfer application for a school in Oregon, and am originally from Washington. I have lived in Oregon while going to college since 2010, however. First, I attended university, which I left to save money at community college, but not wanting to return to my parents in Washington, I've been living down here.

So, on the residency part of the application to see if I qualify for in-state tuition or not, it asks two tax related questions: 1. Did your parents provide more than 50% of your support in the last 12 months, and 2. Did your parents claim you on their taxes.

To number one, I would say no, because I worked, paid rent, covered my own school expenses, gas, food, clothes, etc. They pay for my car insurance, and I am covered under their health and dental. They DID however claim me on their taxes still. This was actually a huge thing that I'm still bitter about because they really are using me to get a better return, when I got screwed over on my return.

So my question is, if I say no to number 1, will they believe me if I say yes to number 2? Would saying yes to both affect my residency status?

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