Monday, July 2, 2012

Health Insurance Is Justice for All

health insurance - Yahoo! News Search Results

Health Insurance Is Justice for All

Tried to buy coverage lately? Think twice before you condemn the ACA

health insurance - Bing News

UCR Health Centers Announces Passport to Health Loyalty Card Program - YAHOO!

The program is designed for Americans without health insurance and those with high deductibles. It will give patients immediate access to urgent care medical services without the cost and waiting time of hospital emergency rooms. “Patients are coming in ...


Brad Shivers Insurance Agency

Search for "health insurance"

Delighted by court ruling on health care law

What a great day in the history of the United States. The decision of the Supreme Court June 28 on the fate of the Affordable Care Act delighted me to no end.

KPRC in Houston Warns People of Potential Dangers of Using Topamax, Other Medications in Conditions of Extreme Heat, the Consumer Justice Foundation Reports

The Consumer Justice Foundation, a for-profit corporation that is staffed by a team of professional consumer advocates whose mission is to provide the public with free online informational resources regarding the potential dangers associated with certain prescription medications, has a Web site located at the URL of ( The Consumer Justice Foundation hereby alerts the public of a report released by KPRC in Houston stating that using medications including Topamax in conditions of extreme heat can involve serious risks to those who do so.

(PRWeb July 02, 2012)

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health insurance - Google News

FACT CHECK: On keeping your current health plan - The Associated Press

FACT CHECK: On keeping your current health plan
The Associated Press
WASHINGTON (AP) — In promoting the health care law, President Barack Obama is repeating his persistent and unsubstantiated assurance that Americans who like their health insurance can simply keep it. Republican rival Mitt Romney says quite the ...

and more »

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