Monday, July 9, 2012

A pediatrician's advice for raising healthy kids

Google Videos - health insurance

Its about economy of scale. When you sign up for healthcare coverage, you join a group of other people to combine your healthcare purchasing power ...

health insurance - Yahoo! News Search Results

A pediatrician's advice for raising healthy kids

Keeping kids healthy, the goal of every parent, is especially challenging for families with limited or no health insurance and easy access to a doctor.

Yahoo! Answers: Search for

Open Question: Facing financial ruin and how to recover?

Three years ago I left Australia and spent the entire $20,000 I had saved through my hard work over four years while I completed university.

In China, I taught English but the money covered expenses of rent, visas, food etc for my wife and I...

Then we made the decision to get married and start a new life back in Australia. I had high hopes for my degree (undergraduate biotechnology). I had high hopes for many things. I've been back 8 months and I've relied on my wife's hard work and savings to pay for many things. I barely keep afloat with casual work paying the rent, mobile bills, health insurance and several other expenses. She has been contributing to the rent while I have been receiving welfare payments. She has even offered to pay for further study if it will improve my employment prospects.

I am 29 at the end of next month. She has gone home to visit her family and left me to fend for myself. About time too. Now the reality is hitting home with the pain of missing her for 2 months and being stuck in this crappy bedroom in a sharehouse with a shower curtain for a blind.

How the hell can I rebuild from the ground up. I've got stable work as a casual 25-30 hours per week at $19/hr. That is gonna help pay the bills. But my life is in such a mess that if my wife left me tomorrow, I'd be destroyed. It has taught me two valuable lessons: I can't even support myself, let alone another person.

I have a student loan that is worth $32,000 and I see it going up every year or half year with the CPI index. That's a scary prospect. Facing this on my own is proving more difficult than I could ever imagine which is why I have come to realise that my wife, despite all of the conflict, has been my greatest emotional support when she has seen me down - the coming and kissing me and saying it will be alright or that I'm smart etc. has kept me going!

Oh my god. At 29 I am still not completely independent! I have never lived for an extended period of time on my own and now I am facing the tough reality. But I'm ready to suck it up.

So, I am searching for work anywhere in Australia (preferrably Sydney!) and every day there are more and more workers getting retrenched around me to the point where the market is in oversupply with not enough demand. I hate thinking that I'm screwed. I hit the job search sites regularly, so the question is how long before I get full time employment? I mean decent employment. I have a degree and want to put that to use.

But right now, I'm behind in the rent and trying to catch up. I'm right royally screwed and trying to work my way out of the mess. I really need help this time as I have never felt so bloody low.

Search for "health insurance"

Perry wants to turn down Medicaid funds

Governor Perry is pushing back against the president's health care reform plan. Perry will ask the legislature not to accept additional Medicaid funding or set up an insurance exchange.

health insurance - Bing News

Health insurer WellPoint to buy Amerigroup for about $4.5B - USA Today

INDIANAPOLIS (AP) – Health insurer WellPoint is buying managed care provider Amerigroup for about $4.46 billion in cash, saying the deal will help it better serve Medicaid participants. Amerigroup manages publicly funded health programs like ...

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