Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Open Question: Did you know President Obama is accepting the name ObamaCare now?

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Open Question: Did you know President Obama is accepting the name ObamaCare now?

He's embracing it.

Because once people see that all the negative stuff was a bunch of lies and see all the benefits of it, it's going to go down as one of the biggest helps to this country in over 60 years. Republicans want badly to repeal it now, because they know it'd be an obama victory. Youd think instead of wanting to repeal it now that they'd wait if its a bad as they claim it is and they'd be promised the white house, the senate, and congress. But once people see that all the lies were bs and how helpful it is, it'll make Obama look great.

Republican distortion: “The President promised he wouldn’t raise taxes on the middle class by a penny with this health care law. Well, that’s been proven false now.”

The facts: President Obama has cut taxes by $3,600 for the average middle-class family over the last three years, and the Republicans fought him nearly every step of the way. From cutting taxes for every working American through the Making Work Pay and payroll tax cuts to the American Opportunity Tax Credit—a tax credit worth up to $10,000 to help families pay for four years of college—the President has put more money in the pockets of middle-class Americans.

Here’s another fact: Obamacare includes the largest middle-class tax cut for health care in history. According to the independent Congressional Budget Office, 19 million people will receive tax credits worth an average of about $4,800 each to help them afford health care. These tax credits will finally put health insurance within reach for millions of American families.

Romney distortion: “Obamacare also means that for up to 20 million Americans, they will lose the insurance they currently have.”

The facts: False: If you like the insurance you have, you can keep it. The only thing that’s changed is that your coverage is stronger. Here’s how:

If you had a lifetime limit (and about 60 percent of employer-based plans did), it’s been lifted.

If you have a child under the age of 26, they can stay on your plan.
Insurance companies can no longer discriminate against children with pre-existing conditions.

Starting in 2014, insurance companies will no longer be able to deny anyone insurance based on pre-existing conditions, helping up to 129 million Americans get the care they need.

Insurance companies will no longer be able to charge women more than men for the exact same coverage.

54 million Americans already have access to better preventive services, free of charge.

If you get sick, your insurance company can’t drop your coverage, and if they deny you a treatment, the law makes sure you have a chance to appeal.

President Obama's campaign wants the name Obamacare now.
Romney distortion: Romney said Obamacare meant “a larger and larger government, more and more intrusive in your life—separating you and your doctor.”

The facts: This is one of the most dishonest claims in American politics. First, this isn’t about government. Obamacare builds on and improves the nation’s private health care system.

Second, here’s what it fixes. Before Obamacare, insurance companies had free rein to arbitrarily cap and cancel coverage, and they could waste our premiums on overheads and big bonuses for CEOs. With Obamacare, there will now be clear rules of the road to give patients and doctors more control over health care. These rules will make sure that you and your doctor—not your insurance company, and certainly not a Washington bureaucrat—have control over your health.

health insurance - Google Blog Search

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WASHINGTON -- Former White House budget director Peter Orszag said Monday that it's possible, given a particular outcome in the November elections, that Republicans could use Senate procedural rules to gut President ...

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