Sunday, July 1, 2012

Open Question: Is setting a dollar amount for the "luxury" insurance plans going to come back to bite us?

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Open Question: Is setting a dollar amount for the "luxury" insurance plans going to come back to bite us?

With the rapid increases in costs of healthcare premiums, we're quickly approaching the existing thresholds for what is considered gold-plated health insurance. Shouldn't it be a percentage of some sort instead of a hard dollar amount, kind of like the AMT was intended for the wealthy but is now hitting the middle class?

Google Videos - health insurance

The Supreme Court's decision to uphold the Affordable Care Act ensures hard-working, middle class families will get the security they deserve ...

health insurance - Google Blog Search

Economist's View: 'Giving Health Care a Chance to Evolve'

Robert Frank discusses market failures in health insurance markets, and how the president's health care plan helps to overcome them: Giving Health Care a Chance to Evolve, by Robert Frank, Commentary, NY Times: .

Search for "health insurance"

Dieting suggested for more pregnant women

But when she weighed in at 220 pounds during her initial prenatal visit, she quickly earned a spot at the Johns Hopkins Hospital's Nutrition in Pregnancy Clinic, launched in December to counsel and treat obese women.

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