Sunday, May 27, 2012

Affordable Health Insurance Plans Available To Families Across The Country

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Affordable Health Insurance Plans Available To Families Across The Country

Affordable Health Insurance Plans Available To Families Across The Country

Yahoo! Answers: Search for

Open Question: Did you know that Milton Friedman spoke out against Obamacare even before Obama was President?

I agree with Friedman there is no reason whatsoever for Government to be involved in health care at all in any shape or form. As a matter of fact because Government is involved people can act stupid with other people's money. You know what they say when it isn't your money you are more likely to get care you don't need and doctors are more likely to give you treatment that you don't need.

Like I said there is the market price for Medical care and then there is the insurance price for Medical care. Guess which one is a rip off scam.
Socialized medicine is no Panacea either.
But what is wrong with me getting the market price for my health care?

Why do I have to pay the insurance price which is nothing more than white collar crime?
@Wayne- Its a shame you got all of those thumbs down. You are correct and yes I agree with you.

health insurance - Google Blog Search

Can I bill my insurance company after I've paid for medical care ...

Can you submit a claim to your health insurance company for something you already paid for? eHealthInsurance answers the question.

Google Videos - health insurance

Its about economy of scale. When you sign up for healthcare coverage, you join a group of other people to combine your healthcare purchasing power ...

Search for "health insurance"

Reader Letters | Tea party win

Another tea party-supported candidate has won the Republican nomination to run for Congress.

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