Thursday, May 24, 2012

Open Question: I'm 18 and i want to move out of an abusive house but im clueless to what to do,help?

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Open Question: I'm 18 and i want to move out of an abusive house but im clueless to what to do,help?

Ok , so i want to move out with my boyfriend who i have been going out with for 5 months now.We love each other and we want to be together.Im moving because i currently live in a very abusive household. His parents told us that they can rent us their basement for $800, that includes utilities. Im going to start college this summer ,4 days out of the week so imma barely have time and we going to need to work to pay for our rent, food, etc. he will get a job and work the whole summer because he wont start college until spring. my mom is a very violent woman and I know my mom will not take me moving out lightly considering i babysit her other kids and i seem to be her maid as well . Im afraid she might try to get some sort of revenge. She keeps my documents (social security,passport,birth certificate, health insurance card.Im afraid she will interfere with my college things and pretend me from going to college somehow( mess up my finacial aid etc.).Im the kind of person who will work her butt off to secure a good future for myself and loved ones. What can i do in this situation? Any Tips ? I really need help and guidance.
Thanks in advance :)

health insurance - Yahoo! News Search Results

More expected to abandon private health cover

MAIN POINTS:A TOTAL of 75,000 people will have dropped their private health insurance cover between last summer and the end of this year, the Health Insurance Authority has estimated.

health insurance - Google Blog Search

Gov't against rise of health insurance for kids, pensioners | Prague ...

Prague, May 23 (CTK) - The Czech cabinet Wednesday rejected Health Minister Leos Heger's (TOP 09) proposal that the state increase its health insurance contributions for children, pensioners, the unemployed and other ...

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