Thursday, May 24, 2012

Open Question: Should I quit my job to attend graduate school?

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Open Question: Should I quit my job to attend graduate school?

I have been working in retail as a cashier for the last 6 years. I am starting my Masters of Social Work (MSW) program this August and I am completely burnt out from my job. My job is really starting to get to me physically, mentally, and emotionally. I only work 2 1/2 days a week but even that is too much for me. I am starting to dread going to work and every night before I sleep like crap. I have no idea how I will be able to juggle this job and the demands of graduate level courses and interning on top of it. I get health insurance through my work but I can't use it often. I am taking out loans for graduate school and will have extra money to live on. I make about 10K a year but living on loans alone would make me live at 14K a year. I am taking out the money either way. I am scared because I have become so comfortable at my place of employment and am starting to think I will always be trapped here. I don't want my stress from work to affect my performance at my internships, which is the real key to my future career. I appreciate any advice.

Search for "health insurance"

2,000 UConn Employees Still Not Compliant with HEP Requirements

This article was originally published on theA UConnA Today Web site A on May 21, 2012.

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