Saturday, May 26, 2012

Open Question: Why do people say menstration, pregnancy is a symbol of womanhood and femininity?

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Open Question: Why do people say menstration, pregnancy is a symbol of womanhood and femininity?

I've been reading about Lybel, cause I like many women would love to NEVER have another period again. But a lot of the counter arguments are along the lines of (Paula Derry, a health psychologist in Baltimore, wrote in the British Medical Journal two weeks ago that "menstrual suppression itself is unnatural") and (research in the US which has found many women view their periods as symbols of fertility and health) I have always believed the women weren't limited to being child Bering brood mares. That being a women was more then about being able to reproduce. Its probably around the same group of people who think contraception is evil. Just to put it out there ladies it isn't your biological obligation to make babies anymore if you don't get pregnant it wont be the end of the human race. I think as we evolve more and more our technology will destroy our idea of what gender roles are once we get rid of the requirement that women have to be the beasts of burden get pregnant and raise your disgusting spawn. And I'm not a feminist, a lot of my friends even tell me ow wierd it is that as a women I think of women as a whole in a very negitive light, I won't generalize but I tend to dislike other females because they can be so boring, defenseless and pathetic. But there is progress happening not all women are like this and I love it Birth control is progress, women in the military is progress, women working is progress someday no one will ever have to go through pregnancy it will become obsolete cause we can make our kids in tubes or tanks. Its all happening right before my eyes and I'm very happy so why hold yourself back from this progress by saying its "unnatural" and its funny cause its usually other women who say so. (not the case with the whole birth control/ insurance/ church fiasco where it was mostly men) We need to quit oppressing, ourselves. Once you get past the crap the nature and society put onto women you can find we are probably the more intelligent graceful detail oriented and socially powerful of the sexes. We would probably make better leaders scientists artists athletes and citizens. Don't let yourself succumb to your stupid instinctual urges you don't have to get you period get married make babies hit menopause and become useless no one should have to go through that cause cause of some differences in organs and hormones. Eventually in the distant future gender will become obsolete anyway so I look forward to that in my future lives (if I have any)
And I know the typos are there so if you feel like playing the role of spell checker and pointing out all my mistakes, you're really wasting your time

Search for "health insurance"

State Senate budget toughens welfare rules

The state Senate wrapped up a three-day budget debate yesterday after adopting restrictions on welfare benefits and a series of new immigration status checks for employment, state housing programs and motor vehicle licenses and tags.

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