Monday, May 28, 2012

Open Question: How do I protect my grandma?

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Open Question: How do I protect my grandma?

My grandmother does not have the mental capability to make financial dad and aunt have not made the decision to completely take over or have a 3rd party who is not bias take over like the state or something...My grandma cannot drive and the doctor advised her not to. She bought a brand new 2012 12k car a month ago and then gave it to my cousin the other day. My cousin is really excited...she does not have a license or a job and did not even graduate high school. She was supposed to graduate this year and didn't. I believe that the car should be sold and the money put back into my grandma's account. She will need the money for health insurance, food and bills. I voiced my opinion on her post of FB and now everyone is mad at me and has unfriended me....It's crazy....All I said is that the car should be sold and the money should go back to grandma and of course with my family, they are drama and had to go and say that I humiliated her on FB and that I should not have said anything to her and I should have talked to her mom...well I say she should not have been posting it on FB, if she did not want people to voice their opinion.....she is so proud of accepting this gift and her, her sister and her mom don't see that it is wrong! My dad does, but does not want to get involved....but her should, it is his mom! What should I do to protect my grandma and how will I ever repair my family...I don't think I did anything wrong, just trying to protect my grandma. What would you have done differently?

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