Friday, May 25, 2012

The Effects of the New Medicare Tax

The Effects of the New Medicare Tax

According to Team Liberty, the new Medicare Tax has Americans worried about the effects it could have on the already struggling American economy.

(PRWeb May 25, 2012)

Read the full story at


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Google Videos - health insurance

Its about economy of scale. When you sign up for healthcare coverage, you join a group of other people to combine your healthcare purchasing power ...

Yahoo! Answers: Search for

Open Question: Since Obama/Romney are identical on taking civil liberties, health insurance mandates and the War on Drugs...?

Will the 2012 election boil down to Romney trying to cast Obama as incompetent and Obama trying to cast Romney as an out-of-touch elitist (all the while the same interests will be protected regardless of which one wins)?

(Obama and Romney) on key issues:
Both would have signed NDAA into law.
Therefore, both support indefinite detention without charges of terror SUSPECTS (which includes U.S. citizens).
They both support continuing the failed war on drugs as is.
They both support insurance mandates (spin it how you want, a mandate is a mandate).
They both support Goldman Sachs people running the president's economic team (just look at Obama donations from 2008 and Romney from 2012).
They both support raiding legal medical marijuana facilities in states whose voters have chosen to make that industry legal.
They support staying in Afghanistan until 2014 MINIMUM.
They both would keep Guantanamo going as is.

Search for "health insurance"

Hospital fair finds children's health concerns

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health insurance - Twitter Search

@BarackObama I see a 2007 case in Vermont over civil union kids health insurance policies. so... what do u you mean?

@BarackObama I see a 2007 case in Vermont over civil union kids health insurance policies. so... what do u you mean?

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