Sunday, January 29, 2012

Future of Health Care Law Without Individual Mandate Debated - RedOrbit

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Future of Health Care Law Without Individual Mandate Debated - RedOrbit


Future of Health Care Law Without Individual Mandate Debated
Even if the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act's (PPACA) mandate requiring US citizens to carry health care coverage is deemed unconstitutional, the remainder of the law can be salvaged, lawyers representing the Obama administration told the ...
DOJ Urges Supreme Court not to Strike all of ObamaCareAmerican Center for Law and Justice (blog)

all 2 news articles »

Google Videos - health insurance

Its about economy of scale. When you sign up for healthcare coverage, you join a group of other people to combine your healthcare purchasing power ...

YouTube Videos

Getting Insurance to Pay for Preventive Health under the Affordable Care Act

Michael AS Guth directs Health Economics & Outcomes Research (HEOR) at Risk Management Consulting, a contract research organization based in Oak Ridge, Tennessee, where he has successfully managed the HEOR consulting business for the past ten years. He is also a licensed attorney at law with an active practice of more than 200 clients and has developed expertise on the Affordable Care Act and its implementing regulations. Patients may intend to have a "no cost" preventive health visit with their doctors, yet but be surprised to learn that they are charged for part or all of the office visit and lab work. This interview will explain some surprising limitations on preventive care covered under the ACA and give viewers some tips to avoid getting charged for these visits.


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Julie Kirby commented on the blog post Birth control provides many health benefits

It's difficult for me to justify anti-woman groups' opposition to birth control being covered under insurance without co-pay. If the birth control refusal clause had been expanded, millions of women would have lost access to affordable birth control simply because they worked at a religiously affiliated hospital or attended a similar university.

Yahoo! Answers: Search for

Open Question: I've had a sore throat for a week now but don't have health insurance, what should I do?

I've done everything I know how to do for the past week and nothing has helped..gargled salt water, took ibuprofen, everything and nothing's fought it off..I probably need to see a doc to get antibiotics but I don't have health insurance, what should I do?

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