Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Open Question: I had a nightmare, that one day we will decline to the bottom of the pit?

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Open Question: I had a nightmare, that one day we will decline to the bottom of the pit?

A country without a black president.
A country without universal health care.
A country without union labor rights
A country without women in the labor force.
A country without minimum wage.
A country without child labor laws
A country without consumer protection laws
A country without food and drug regulations
A country without gun control
A country without environmental protection
A country without animal rights
A country without women choice.
A country without civil rights
A country with lower taxes for millionaires and billionaires.
A country without same-sex marriage.
A country without public education.
A country without medicare, or medicaid.
A country without social security insurance.
A country where corporations are treated like people.
A country bombing Iraq, Afghanistan, Iran, and every Muslims country.
A country with little if any diversity, and multiculturalism.
A country with a White Christian Power Structure.
A country in complete control by Conservatives. From state Governors to the Presidency.
A country carved in the image of the Confederacy.

A Country that you and I don't want to live in.
@ Rayhere

Let me help you with your English.

"That was not a dream; that is your house hold filled with gays, and animals. Allowed to do what ever they want. All publicly educated. Pagans doing drugs, and living off government aid."

There you go.


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