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Americans With Sporadic Health Insurance Skip Tests As Much As Those With None ...
Americans With Sporadic Health Insurance Skip Tests As Much As Those With None ...
health insurance - Google News
Americans With Sporadic Health Insurance Skip Tests As Much As Those With None ... - Huffington Post
Americans With Sporadic Health Insurance Skip Tests As Much As Those With None ... Huffington Post When it comes to preventative care, having on-and-off health insurance might be as bad as not having it all. A study of diabetics by the Kaiser Permanente Center for Health Research found that patients with breaks in their health insurance coverage ... Kaiser Permanente Study Finds Continuous Health Coverage Essential for ... |
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Ten Ways Small Businesses Can Lower Healthcare Costs (And Hire More People) in 2012
After an economic drought, employers are anxious to energize and refresh their staff, but they are still deeply worried about finances.
Yahoo! Answers: Search for
Open Question: Tubal Ligation (Tubes tied) 20 years old?
Hey everyone, now I know there is going to be some disagreements over this question so just keep it friendly please.
Anyways here is my question:
I am 20 years old have not ever wanted children, neither does my fiance. The thought of children just makes me cringe. I have never had a desire to have children, I always hung out with kids older than me because I can't stand children. My fiance dislikes them just as much as I do. If we got pregnant it would be a tragedy. I would abort if I became pregnant. I do not want to have to ever make that decision. I am going to the Dr. next week to refill my birth control. I am on the pill it causes side effects such as head aches. But I have been on 4 different pills and this one casues the least head aches, but they are still there. I had Mirena and had awful cramping and it eventually expelled itself. That was the worst pain ever. I can't have nuva ring because of yeast and bacterial infection problems. The only other option is the implanon and I really just don't want that because if it did cause awful side effects I have experienced with the pill and mirena (gave me migraines as well) then the shot I can't have that due to health problems. I really just want my tubes tied. I am going to bring this up to my OB/GYN next week when I go. I just don't know how to bring this up to her since I want to have it done when I am 21 ( I loose my insurance then ) no I am not on state insurance, my mom and dad got divorced and in the divorce I loose my insurance when I turn 21 I will still be in college for my professional degree.
SO anyone who has any recommendations on how to bring this up to her without causing an argument would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks everyone and yes I know there are going to be a few people saying your crazy you are to young to make that decision. Well NEWS FLASH PEOPLE it is MY body not yours. Therefor if people my age and younger age 14 and such are "responsible" enough to have a kid I am responsible enough to make a informed decision to get my tubes tied. Plus if I do change my mind which I will NOT. There is always IVF.
I want off of hormonal birth control that causes awful side effects and pregnancy scares. I want to be responsible for myself and body and not have children so I can live in peace and happiness.
Ed. - Maybe you should read the question In the question I have asked how to bring this topic up to my OB/GYN without causing an argument.
health insurance - Bing News
Americans With Sporadic Health Insurance Skip Tests As Much As Those With None At All: Study - Huffington Post
When it comes to preventative care, having on-and-off health insurance might be as bad as not having it all. A study of diabetics by the Kaiser Permanente Center for Health Research found that patients with breaks in their health insurance ...
health insurance - Yahoo! News Search Results
Video: Long-term health insurance falling short?
Many Americans with long-term health care policies find they can't get their benefit when it comes time for insurance to pay. Sharyl Attkisson reports on the story of one family, who has been fighting for their benefits for almost a year.
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