Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Global Healthcare Services Industry to Reach US$3.0 Trillion by 2015, According to a New Industry Report by Global Industry Analysts, Inc.

Global Healthcare Services Industry to Reach US$3.0 Trillion by 2015, According to a New Industry Report by Global Industry Analysts, Inc.

GIA announces the release of a comprehensive global outlook on the Healthcare Services Market. Market for healthcare services is projected to witness steady growth driven by surging investments in areas such as telehealth, healthcare IT, and home healthcare. With the number of aging baby boomers multiplying, demand for home care services is expected to experience robust growth.

(PRWeb January 18, 2012)

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Open Question: During sex, I had a sharp pain and have been bleeding with cramps?

I've been having sex for about 4 years now, and only with the same person, we've always used protection. I'm off birth control due to recent lack of health insurance, but condoms are always used.

I am not due for my period for about another week, but my friend got her period a week early and since we live together it could just be our periods aligning or something.

Last night, during sex I felt a sharp pain as soon as he entered. Usually I feel sharp pains and it always hurts a little. But this was different, sharp, abrupt and really bad. Since it was almost normally, we kept going and then he noticed red. I didn't think it could be my period, and when we were done, I checked and I had blood, but it was bright red, not like normal period blood at all. I put a tampon in just in case. Next morning, it was still bright red and later on it was bright red with a little blood clot.

I've been having mildly bad cramps since and I really don't know what it could be. Please help!

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