Friday, January 13, 2012

#health #insurance #coverage #status

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#health #insurance #coverage #status

health insurance - Bing News

Md. lawmakers sign brief supporting health care law - Baltimore Sun

The federal law, signed by Obama in 2010, requires virtually every American to have some form of health coverage, creates so-called exchanges that allow certain people to purchase insurance separately from their employer and provides subsidies ...

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Open Question: How does shared custody + appointed guardian in will for a 12yr , protect me in N.J. ?

Hi Everyone. I have known my best friend + her husband 20 years. She passed away 2 1/2 yrs ago. He never remarried and has a 12 yr child. Last year he had major heart attack and will need a pacemaker when his heart greatly approves, it is only working 35% now. So his health is poor at this time. He wants to appoint my husband + I as legal guardians to my god child, we are 100% for it. I am not a realitive but I am involved in her life 100%. It's not for money, he lives paycheck to paycheck, nothing left over + he doesn't get SSI from deceased wife, she didn't work. I have contacted county court in new jersey + was advised to get shared custody if something were to happen while he is alive, in the event she had an emergency. Fine, not a problem, getting shared custody next week. I was also advised in state of new jesrey in order for us to become her legal guardians if he were to pass away, we would have to be named in his will, fine the dad is 100% okay with + looking into it this week. I did tell him as a single parent, for sake of your child you need to appoint a guardian. I am 100% on his side no matter who he appoints. I will always be in her life. He said no, I want you + your husband. And I would always take care of her. He knows I own a home, have her own room, ect. Now, god forbid, her dad did pass while she is young, her uncle ( dad's brother) Might try to take us to court to gain custody of her. He tore apart the house looking for the life insurance to see who's named beneficary. It's not him or me, it's someone else. Her dad does not want this brother to have custody of his daughter. My god daughter always says: My uncle only comes around when something bad happens, no visits to her, no calls. I don't want to see her get hurt, shes been through enough. Her mom passed away at home and she was asleep in next room when it happened. I carried her up a flight of stairs to the neighbors so she wouldn't see what had happened. I am worried because this one uncle will fight me for custody. My god daughter doesn't hate him but would not want to live with him full time. She'd be miserable there.
The county court advised me if I am legally on these two documents, It would be very hard for anyone to gain custody of this child.
Is this true ? How do these legal documents protect us in the event (god forbid) her dad passed ?
Can uncle sue me because I am appointed guardian ? Can there be any addtional clause her dad can include in the will ? I want to do what I can to protect her and make her happy. But I have knots in my stomach with worry. Any advise is greatly appreciated. Thank you so much.

health insurance - Yahoo! News Search Results

Texas health insurance rebates are on the line

It sounds too good to be true, and if Texas regulators have their way, it won't happen.


Anthem BlueCross - CalPERS

Search for "health insurance"

On Native GroundGOP Gambled on the Tea Party, and Lost

It's a sign of how totally insane this nation has become when the passage of a health care bill that has so many conservative elements within it is labeled as socialist.

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