Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Health insurance plans at pharmacies soon: Soon, you would be able to buy a health insurance plan from a neighbo... http://t.co/2Ak8EV9h

health insurance - Twitter Search

Health insurance plans at pharmacies soon: Soon, you would be able to buy a health insurance plan from a neighbo... http://t.co/2Ak8EV9h

Health insurance plans at pharmacies soon: Soon, you would be able to buy a health insurance plan from a neighbo... http://t.co/2Ak8EV9h

Yahoo! Answers: Search for

Open Question: Would like some ideas for how to proceed for treatment, any ideas?

Hey, to start off with a little information about myself, I'm 20 years old and currently reside in the Netherlands. I moved here about 6 months ago from the United States. It's important to note, that I very rarely drink, and I hadn't been drinking at all around the time the tests were done. Nor had I been using illicit drugs, smoking, etc.

I've had chronic pains for almost as long as I can remember. Although chronic pain has definitely made me less active than I should be, I am not obese.

In August 2010, I went to a gynecologist, because I wanted to be placed on birth control. I asked them to do an STD screening and when I received my results, my RPR test had returned positive. Because this is the test for Syphilis, they did the serum test for syphilis and that came back negative. They also tested for the different forms of Hepatitis, those came back negative as well.

The doctors told me that the RPR test generally tests for foreign antibodies in the blood, and due to the fact that syphilis and hepatitis could be safely eliminated it pointed to an auto immune disease so I should talk to my General Practitioner.

I went to my GP and discussed that I had experienced a recently weight gain in the past year of around 20 pounds. The doctor sent me to have another RPR test, as well as testing my thyroid, liver enzymes and for hepatitis again. The RPR came back positive again, the thyroid was normal, hepatitis negative, but my ALT levels were at 137 while my AST levels were slightly elevated. Because of my chronic pain, the doctor sent me to a Rheumatologist

When I went to the Rheumatologist, she did a "poke" test and took some x-rays and told me I had Fibromyalgia and there were no signs of rheumatism or arthritis from the blood work she had done.

In early 2011 I had my ALT/AST levels tested again, my AST levels were normal, and my ALT levels were at 40. By this time, I had lost about half of the weight I'd gained, and was continuing to lose weight.

In my first few months in the Netherlands I had to worry about getting health insurance in the country, and now that it's all settled and I have a GP here, I have finally received a recommendation to see a rheumatologist - to treat fibromyalgia. The doctor here did thyroid and arthritis tests but they came back clean.

I still wonder however about my RPR that continued to come back positive, and my elevated ALT levels in conjunction with chronic pain. I wonder if I'm being incorrectly treated for fibromyalgia, when I possibly have an auto-immune disease that has been left undiagnosed up until now. Does anyone have any type of test that I should suggest? Or possibly any knowledge regarding my symptoms? Any information would be helpful really, after a year and a half I'm tired of wondering.

Oh, side note, I also was told to see a neurologist at some point - he did an RPR and some other tests, but ultimately came up with another positive RPR while 'ruling' neurological disorders out.

Thanks again

Google Videos - health insurance

Its about economy of scale. When you sign up for healthcare coverage, you join a group of other people to combine your healthcare purchasing power ...


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