Saturday, January 7, 2012

Open Question: What should I do about my stress?

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Open Question: What should I do about my stress?

For a while now I have had strange feelings and aching in my chest/heart area. Sometimes I just feel like I'm having palpitations. But they come when I'm not thinking about my heart at all so i think they are for real. It's been coming on in waves sometimes for 3 days in a row to once in a week or two. It usually isn't bad but it has started to kinda make me nervous. I'm only 15 and otherwise really healthy so I doubt it is anything other than stress. I have ignored it for a long time now but it is really starting to wear on me. What should I do?

My family has good health insurance but is otherwise pretty poor. They are also really hippie so they don't like doctors. I have never even been to one for as long as I can remember! It would really make me feel better to just have someone listen to my ticker for just a minute, but I don't want to make a big deal over something that's most likely a stress thing.

If i did go to a doc what would they ask or do? How much would it cost?

Thanks for any opinion at all!

Again, it is probably just stress...

Search for "health insurance"

Another poll shows Romney leading in SC

Santorum is known for attending mega Pastor Hagee's Christian Zionist conferences yearly with Lieberman so it's no surprise that he has radical views but.. If Romney backtracks on his commitment for E-verify after the primaries are over will you backtrack on your endorsement of him? Santorum introduced a bill to force US citizens to buy health ... (more)

Google Videos - health insurance

Its about economy of scale. When you sign up for healthcare coverage, you join a group of other people to combine your healthcare purchasing power ...

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Santorum tangles with voters over Social Issues #fitn #Santorum2012

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