Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Open Question: Who agrees that Romney will never beat Obama?

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Open Question: Who agrees that Romney will never beat Obama?

In his winning speech last night he said so many things that the average man just doesn't agree with.
Here are a few examples:

"The middle class has been crushed. Nearly 24 million of our fellow Americans are still out of work, struggling to find work, or have just stopped looking. The median income has dropped 10% in four years."
Yeah because of jerks like Romney who helped to make big corporations bigger and allow corporate greed mongers to fire those who helped build their companies and turn around and hire part timers at minimum wage with no health insurance.

"We still believe in that shining city on a hill."
What the hell is he talking about? I don't dream of shining cities of gold. I dream of an America before the rich, corporate, campaign financiers ran the country.

"It is better than the misguided policies and broken promises of the last three years – and the failed leadership of one man"
If his leadership failed it is because the republicans had it out for him from the start and to make his life a living hell. Their party took a major beating in the last election and because he is black, they set out to destroy his character and the confidence of the American people in their president. It didn't work.

"This country already has a leader who divides us with the bitter politics of envy."
Speaking about his own party here I assume. is the biggy. I'll just put these two quotes next to each other so you can see the idiocy for yourself. Tell me how the first statement is possible when you read the second one:

"He is making the federal government bigger, burdensome, and bloated. I will make it simpler, smaller, and smarter."
"He doesn’t see the need for overwhelming American military superiority. I will insist on a military so powerful no one would think of challenging it."

Why not just beg for another war or an attack on America you dumb sh!t.
How is making the military more powerful going to lower deficit? George Bush's war is what got us in the position in the first place.

Region's Employers Form Coalition to Promote Health System Improvement Through Benefit Redesign

Public Health Management Corporation (PHMC) and a number of leading regional employers announced today the launch of the Greater Philadelphia Business Coalition on Health (GPBCH). GPBCH, a program of PHMC aims to improve the value of health benefit spending for its members by improving healthcare quality and safety and reducing health care costs.

(PRWeb January 11, 2012)

Read the full story at


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Region's Employers Form Coalition to Promote Health System Improvement Through Benefit Redesign

Public Health Management Corporation (PHMC) and a number of leading regional employers announced today the launch of the Greater Philadelphia Business Coalition on Health (GPBCH). GPBCH, a program of PHMC aims to improve the value of health benefit spending for its members by improving healthcare quality and safety and reducing health care costs.

(PRWeb January 11, 2012)

Read the full story at

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