Tuesday, July 3, 2012

The Obama Health Care Bill Puts the IRS on Steroids with Extra Budget Money and Taxpayers will be Impacted According to Fresh Start Tax LLC

The Obama Health Care Bill Puts the IRS on Steroids with Extra Budget Money and Taxpayers will be Impacted According to Fresh Start Tax LLC

Michael Sullivan, a leading Tax Resolution Professional and a former IRS Agent says, "The extra budget money of $500 million included in the Obama Health Care Bill will be like waking a sleeping giant in the IRS. That giant will be coming to a local IRS office near you and he will act as if he's on steroids."

(PRWeb July 03, 2012)

Read the full story at

Search for "health insurance"

POLL: Where Do You Stand on the Affordable Care Act Decision?

With the 5-4 Supreme Court ruling upholding the Affordable Care Act, also known as "Obamacare," candidates for the new Massachusetts Third Congressional District had distinctly different views on the decision.

Yahoo! Answers: Search for

Open Question: What happens if you can't afford chemotherapy?

My friend has a lot of heart problems, and during his last ultrasound they found something on his heart...a biopsy showed that it was cancer. He's 17, and his parents can't afford chemo& don't have health insurance. They have no money, at all. He told me once that they can hardly afford food/water/lights
...Someone anonymously paid for him to have a heart transplant, if a donor comes along...but even then there's the chance that it'll come back from being in his bloodstream, right? He said the doctors told him there's a chance it could spread to his lungs and a very good chance it could spread to inside his heart, and that if either of those happened then, to be blunt, he's screwed...
So what happens when a kid/young adult can't afford chemo? Are they really just expected to die? I'm just trying to make sense out of this...I don't want to ask him too many questions...

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