Monday, July 9, 2012

Open Question: Does the IRS have any power to get the money if you don't pay the "tax" for not having insurance?

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Open Question: Does the IRS have any power to get the money if you don't pay the "tax" for not having insurance?

I've seen several sources, and I think that even the Surpreme Court admitted that if you don't pay the fine for not having health insurance then the IRS doesn't have any power to go collect that money from you.

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The REAL solution to healthcare costs

Health insurance is for catastophic events, NOT for routine doctor visits. And government is the CAUSE of rising health care costs in this country, NOT the solution. Endless rules and regulations do nothing but create one-size-fits-all policies which create endless paperwork and waste leading to expensive health care. We need freedom of choice!


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Its about economy of scale. When you sign up for healthcare coverage, you join a group of other people to combine your healthcare purchasing power ...

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Yet thousands of the nation's seasonal firefighters have no health insurance for themselves or their families.

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They work the front lines of the nation's most explosive wildfires, navigating treacherous terrain, dense walls of smoke and tall curtains of flame. Yet thousands of the nation's seasonal firefi...

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