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Open Question: Legal Question about Family Law?
I filed a Modification for Supplimental Time Sharing and Child Support against my ex-husband. He won't inform me of what his income is and I'd like to go to court and have the child support adjusted since I pay for my daughter's health insurance that just increased.
Yesterday I recieved a Motion to Dismiss from his attorney stating that I caused the Respondent (my ex-husband) needlessly to incur attorney's fees and costs to file this action. He is asking the court that I be responsible for these fees stating that I did not show "cause" in my modifications.
I filed the Modifcations on my own with the help of the Pro Se Coordinator because I can't afford an attorney.
The attorney listed all these cases as references to why I should pay, Rosen v. Rosen, 696 So.2d 697 (Fla 1997), among two others.
Does he really have a chance of me paying his attorney fees when I am only asking for the court to review the income and adjust the c/s and adjust the time sharing (his work schedule changed and the child is being left alone).
I'm so sick over this. His rich girlfriend is supporting him and I'm struggling to support my daughter and myself and now I have to worry about having to pay his attorney fees.
Anyone have this situation and can anyone give me some advice on their case or what his chances of the court ordering me to pay his attorney fees?
Please, no rude comments, this wasn't done as revenge, it was done because I beleive he's hiding income and the c/s is incorrect and therefore my daughter goes without any extras I can't affort to provide for her.
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