Thursday, February 23, 2012

Open Question: annoying needs some info and has one else experienced this?

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Open Question: annoying needs some info and has one else experienced this?

Actually it all started when i got strep throat in September. Then i got my first uti In october. then i got a 2nd uti (in the end of November) i had burning and frequent urination my lower back and kidney's were hurting me. So i went to my gyno got medicine. well i took that medicine all symptoms went away except the frequent urination :/. So a month after this i was still frequently going to the bathroom. I went back to the gyno because unfortunately i had a yeast infection and had a vaginal infection and was still having frequent urination This was the January). So basically been on antibiotics for about 5 months. Since then i haven't had anything else thank god except frequent urination. It's not as bad as before just annoying. Now im starting to wonder if I have over active bladder or diabetics. The only one that has had diabetes is my grand father. Now I've never been tested for this before. I kinda feel like it would be odd for me to all of the sudden get this out of no were. I am also on microgestin fe 1.5 30 i thought maybe that would cause me to have frequent urination but the dr knows what birth control i'm on and im pretty sure they would have said something. When i told her about the frequent urination she didn't seem to concerned. She had asked me about diabetes i said no i don't think i have that and the only person that has that in my family was my grandfather. She just told me to keep an eye on my Sugar, salt and carb intake. I don't drink that much soda and i might have a little to much carbs though. But i still don't understand why this would keep going on with me. I keep thinking about it ever single day and ur mind works in powerful ways. Usually if im doing something i don't think about it so i don't have to urinate as much. Has anyone ever experienced this? What can i do to help it? I have a wedding im going to tomorrow i just hope its not to bad tomorrow. Right now i don't have health insurance and i was just gonna wait till i have to go back to the gyno in about 4 months for my annual pap smear.

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