Saturday, February 25, 2012

Open Question: Did my husband cheat?

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Its about economy of scale. When you sign up for healthcare coverage, you join a group of other people to combine your healthcare purchasing power ...

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Open Question: Did my husband cheat?

A month ago I found out my husband was talking to another woman who was also married and 30 yrs younger than him.. They had been talking for 6 months or more. He says that was all there was to it but i am having a hard time believing that. I had opened a boutique about a month before this started and i was very busy trying to get it off the ground and was not home as much as he was used to. But i was doing it for us mainly. He is 11 yrs older than me and needs to retire. He is diabetic has high blood pressure and has had 2 light strokes.I had inherited some money when my mom died and i used some of this to get the store going so hopefully i would eventually make enough money to take care of myself and buy my health insurance so he could retire. We had a lot of bills and he would not have drawn enough retirement to take care of it and i had always wanted my own business. Anyway this lady has a reputation for breaking couples up. He says he saw her one day while both were out in town t where a truck had lost it's brakes and wrecked and i was in my store. He said she gave him her phone # and told him to call her sometime if he ever needed to talk. After a month he said he called her and this went on for 6 months or so but swears nothing sexual happened. He then had a heart attack on New Years and had to have 2 surgeries. A wk after we had gotten home from the hospital i caught him talking to her and started asking questions to him and then confronted her. He admitted it started when he said it did and she lied and said she just was calling to see if he was ok. I have the feeling they had an affair but cannot prove it. Neither will ever tell if they did.

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Market Wire - 2012 Economic Outlook - Report Highlights Becton, Dickinson and Co. and Health Management Associates, Inc.

February 24, 2012 --

Today, announced new reports highlighting Becton, Dickinson and Co. (NYSE: BDX) and Health Management Associates,...

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Oregon Health Insurance Quotes

This is a quick tutorial about how to use our online health insurance quoting system.


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Health insurance costs a concern

“We’re running over-budget on medical claims so far this fiscal year,” Mulnix said of the current fiscal year (2012). “But we’re not as far over-budget (as we were) in the same period of time last year.”

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