Thursday, April 5, 2012

Getting Health Care Insurance Can Help You Save Funds: Getting Health Care Insurance Can Help You Save Funds Art...

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Getting Health Care Insurance Can Help You Save Funds: Getting Health Care Insurance Can Help You Save Funds Art...

Getting Health Care Insurance Can Help You Save Funds: Getting Health Care Insurance Can Help You Save Funds Art...

Yahoo! Answers: Search for

Open Question: Cook County Hospital versus Private Catholic Hospital?

So last week I was offered a position as a new graduate nurse at a private Catholic hospital. It's a 12 hour shift (so 3 days a week) on a Med-Surg unit. I went in for the Employee Health screening and new hire paperwork, but no official start date was given to me yet. That same week, I had an interview with Cook County Hospital, I still went because I had already scheduled the interview and figured I wouldn't lose anything by going. So today, I got a call from County offering me a position. County is offering me a Med-Surg position as well, same shift as private hospital (midnights), with a 50 cents decrease in pay in comparison with private hospital. My main concern is that I am a mother of a 2 year old and a husband, and with the County job I have to work 8 hour shifts, so 5 days a week, but from 11pm to 7am. We have the sitter thing figured out, but what I like the most about the private hospital is that it only has me working 3 days a week so I have more time to spend with my family. But, County has some of the best benefits ever since they are funded by the state. Insurance is ridiculously low and through a great company...pension is double what most jobs get, and they offer 100% tuition reimbursement. Everyone I have told this to makes it seem that County is the best decision, but why am I still not sure what to do? I only have 24 hours to make a decision because I need to either accept the offer at County and call the private hospital and let them know..but what do I even say? I feel horrible about accepting the private hospital job only to let them know I am quitting before I start, lol, but County's benefits seem to be outweighing me having to work 5 days a week. What do you guys think? Any advice would be appreciated!

YouTube Videos

Health Insurance Mandate Reaches OLLU

The health care debate has reached OLLU: all students will be required to have health insurance this fall. Uninsured students will have to purchase the university's $500/year student health insurance plan. Watch the video for more information.


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Sax titan fights for his life

Internationally renowned saxophonist, Dayna Stephens is photographed at his grandmother's home in Rodeo, Calif.

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