Monday, April 2, 2012

MIKE MALLOY interviews Spike Ward about "Obamacare" and the SCOTUS

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MIKE MALLOY interviews Spike Ward about "Obamacare" and the SCOTUS

March 2012... liberal talk show host Mike Malloy recorded his program from Washington DC on a Families USA-sponsored Radio Row as the Supreme Court heard Obamacare arguments. Meanwhile... outside... Teabaggers bussed in by the Koch Brothers-funded "Americans for Prosperity," rally to be ridden mercilessly to the bank by the rapacious health insurance racket - without pesky govt. regulation. Tara (dacktyl) Devlin of was on hand to record the festivities for fellow Malloy Truthseekers... In this video, Mike interviews Spike Ward, a breast cancer survivor, who wrote an op-ed apologizing to the President for initially opposing the ACA after being disappointed that there was no "Public Option." Despite working hard for a middle-class life, Ms. Ward and her family found they could not afford health insurance premiums which had ballooned as large as her family's mortgage.... Faced with paying outrageous health premiums, and losing their home, Ms. Ward and her family were forced forgo insurance in order to keep a roof over their head. She was then diagnosed with cancer, and rather than being able to focus on fighting for her life and getting well, she was panicked as to how she was going to pay for everything... In this video, Mike interviews her about her "uniquely American" experience of being treated merely as a host from which big-moneyed interests suck profit and discard... For MORE interviews from Radio Row, and unapologetic, unflinching, Liberal <b>...</b>


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Yahoo! Answers: Search for

Open Question: Question about receding gums?

Okay. So I have some slightly receding gums. It happens naturally to me for some reason naturally, even though I've always been careful to pay attention to oral health. I know one reason is because I dipped tobacco for a while. However, I'm working on quitting, so please dont judge me for the past.

Anyway, my question is, first of all, will gums keep on receding until they're completely gone, if nothing is done to stop it?

Next, what can I do to stop it? (Besides quitting snuff, which I'm already working on)

Finally, if it gets to this point, are gum grafts considered cosmetic, or would insurance cover at least part of the fees? I know they're supposedly painful, and its possibly a lengthy process, but I'm not asking about that. I'm asking if I will have to pay 100% of the fees, or if my insurance will cover part of it?

Thanks so much in advance.
Oh, and despite the fact that I dipped tobacco for quite a while, my gums are actually healthy (besides the fact that they're receding.) Dentist has never said anything about gum disease or anything like that, at all. Regular color, no swelling, no bleeding, everything's fine.

Search for "health insurance"

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European Union member states' tax provisions are to be scrutinised to ensure that they do not discriminate against cross-border workers in a targeted initiative launched by the Commission.

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