Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Sacramento debates health insurance reform

health insurance - Yahoo! News Search Results

Sacramento debates health insurance reform

Lawmakers in Sacramento are debating whether insurance companies can deny coverage to people with pre-existing conditions.

health insurance - Google News

A Deft Health Care Move - New York Times

New York Post

A Deft Health Care Move
New York Times
The refusal of New York's Republican-led State Senate to establish a health insurance exchange, as required by the federal health reform law, has left the state in a pickle. Gov. Andrew Cuomo was wise to step in with an executive order that will ...
Are politics extinguishing state health insurance exchanges?Government Health IT
Politicians, Stakeholders Debate Next Steps for NY Health ExchangeWNYC
Gov's health end-runNew York Post
Juneau Empire -Legislative Gazette
all 8 news articles »

Google Videos - health insurance

Its about economy of scale. When you sign up for healthcare coverage, you join a group of other people to combine your healthcare purchasing power ...


health insurance - Google Blog Search

The Limitations of the Affordable Health Insurance « looking for ...

The prices of the health insurances have a fairly connection with the insurance coverage in general. If the health insurance coverage exceeds your needs, it means that you are necessary to pay the extra price. At this moment ...

Yahoo! Answers: Search for

Open Question: Severe chronic headaches?

Starting this by saying I'm going to the doctor next week (earliest they could get me in) and would have seen one sooner but had to wait on health insurance to be able to afford it; I am just posting here because the doctor is a scary place and I'd like some form of a clue as to whats going on before heading in there.

So! I've been having chronic headaches almost everyday for the past year. I DO get migraines but these aren't migraines or at least not what I would call one. Generally a throbbing headache from slightly irritating to very painful, the part that worries me the most is I'm also getting (on top of the throbbing) sharp stabbing headaches that sometimes make the throbbing significantly worse. The sharp ones don't stick to one area of my head.
Going along with the general my head is always killing me feeling, I've been extra sensitive to light (esp when I'm getting the sharp headaches) and some light confusion (again especially with the sharp ones). My eating/sleeping and such is pretty much the same as before i got the headaches.
I tried getting new glasses, drinking more water, monitoring my blood sugar closer (I'm hypoglycemic), exercising more/less, none of that seemed to make a difference either way.

So yeah.. this isn't normal going to see doctor but i'm afraid, which i think is to be expected.. anyone hear of things like this before?

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