Wednesday, February 8, 2012

3 big health insurers stockpile $2.4 billion as rates keep rising - Seattle Times

health insurance - Bing News

3 big health insurers stockpile $2.4 billion as rates keep rising - Seattle Times

Most publicly traded companies sitting on a pile of cash face a lot of sharp questions from shareholders, often accompanied by demands to fork it over as dividends. Nonprofit health-insurance companies in Washington don't have shareholders.

health insurance - Twitter Search

When It Comes to Your Health Insurance Consider All Your Options

When It Comes to Your Health Insurance Consider All Your Options

Yahoo! Answers: Search for

Open Question: Sleeping issues... What could be the cause?

I have long periods of no sleep... as in two, three, sometimes even four days with little to no sleep. I can function fine, with minimal fatigue so long as I have my coffee in the AM. I don't feel stressed, don't feel overly tired until day three or four, but the extreme boredom and time spent doing nothing trying to sleep but unable is really starting to cause some concern. I noticed it being an issue after a few days when the mental fatigue sets in and thinking becomes a little slower and day to day life becomes affected. Could it be from familiarity with lack of sleep while on deployment overseas? Could it be stress related? Could it be I have too much on my mind? Really can't afford health insurance, so going to see someone over the issue would cause more harm than good. But this lack of sleep is really beginning to take it's toll both physically and mentally.

I do have frequent migraines and take Excedrin Migraine to supplement this, although it doesn't fix the pain it does do a great job a dulling it so taking it is the best solution I have. But could the caffeine be causing the lack of sleep? This probably isn't enough detail to get a accurate response, but any help for a solution is appreciated.

health insurance - Google Blog Search

The State News :: Politicians question mandatory health care

Since arriving at MSU this year, Kiara Farrell-Starling hasn't had an easy time with the university's health care system.

Google Videos - health insurance

Its about economy of scale. When you sign up for healthcare coverage, you join a group of other people to combine your healthcare purchasing power ...

health insurance - Yahoo! News Search Results

End may be near for hands-off regulation of healthcare insurance in Texas

Like it or not, healthcare reform is coming to Texas, and it's dragging health insurance into the modern age.

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