Friday, February 10, 2012

Health Insurance Exchanges Stall In Kansas And Georgia - Kaiser ...

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Health Insurance Exchanges Stall In Kansas And Georgia - Kaiser ...

Meanwhile, in Illinois, legislation to establish insurance co-ops moved forward.

Yahoo! Answers: Search for

Open Question: What did the inside of my upper eyelid just get swollen?

I was laying down taking a nap when my eye suddenly felt itchy. Next thing I know, it felt obstructed so I got up and looked in the mirror and the inside of my right eyelid is really swollen. It happened in a matter of minutes.

It's not pink eye as I don't recall ever having it swell like this and I've had a stye so I know it's not that.

Any ideas? I don't have health insurance so I'm reluctant to go to the emergency room if it's something that will clear up on its own....


Pet Health Insurance

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