Friday, February 10, 2012

Mired in the Sticky Politics of Health and Faith, Obama Shifts on Contraception - Time

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Mired in the Sticky Politics of Health and Faith, Obama Shifts on Contraception - Time

Rather than require large religious institutions like Catholic colleges and hospitals to provide employees with free health insurance coverage for contraception, insurance companies themselves will have to pick up the tab. “We fought for this ...

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Heal the budget and public health

One of the first briefings to the incoming federal Labor government in 2007 was damning about the 30 per cent rebate on private health insurance premiums. ''This rebate represents very poor policy,'' Treasury said, in oft-repeated advice.

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Open Question: Does it sound like something is going on between them even though he's married?

I know it's not really my business, but my good friend and coworker has been exibiting signs of interest in a young lady with whom I had a brief but passionate fling last year. She works in a different company but on the same floor.

The man is very attractive and has very high standards. He told me when I went out w/ her that she's too chubby (she's just slightly chubby.) However, lately he's been talking about her more and more in subtle ways...

I know they've always had a friendly banter. He gives her diet and exercise advice, she appreciates it, etc.... for a while after the breakup, he wouldn't talk to her in front of me, but according to other sources, he still talked to her when I wasn't there. Now he'll talk to her around me.

Just some things myself and another friend of ours have noticed:

He always acknowledges her. If she's in the kitchen, he'll say hi to her. It may not seem like much, but it's new, he didn't do that before.

One day when I wasn't there in the break room, but our other close friend was, he said that they were both REALLY flirting with each other and talking a lot more than I've ever seen them talk. So one or both of them feels more comfortable interracting w/out me there...

Yesterday on the elevator here's what happened (and myself as well as our other friend BOTH noticed all these things so it's not just me):

A) She saw us out there and decided to leave right at that time. Yes she has lunch at that time, but she could've waited and she also didn't put her jacket on (it was cold,) so she may have been rushing to get there before we left. She said she wasn't going outside.
B) As soon as she walked out, HE said in a friendly, flirty, familiar tone, "There she is..."
C) He pretty much didn't take his eyes off her the entire time she was there
D) Her being a lady, we all let her get on first...and he went and stood MAD close to her. Like he couldve stood anywhere in the whole elevator but he was practically shoulder to shoulder w/ her...and she didn't move away either
E) She sort of leaned against the wall in a really relaxed way and looked up at him as they spoke--she didn't look at the rest of us--and either did he
F) They engaged in discussion about TV shows and her workout routine that clearly indicated they speak of these things to each other often, like a continuation
G) He asked her if she was submitting the health insurance voucher in to get money back. She said it confused her, there were too many steps, to which he replied, "It's not that complicated, I'll walk you through it..." as we all parted ways, meaning that he'll come and help her submit her info another time.....

Does it sound like there's either something already going on or something brewing?

**FYI he's a cheater so it's not as though his marital status would prevent him from making a move...**

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