Saturday, February 11, 2012

Obama budget: New spending with recycled tax ideas

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Obama budget: New spending with recycled tax ideas

The White House is focusing on re-election themes such as jobs and public works projects in President Barack Obama's new budget blueprint while relying on familiar but never enacted tax increases on the wealthy and corporations to reduce future deficits after four years of trillion dollar-plus shortfalls.

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RT @SpeakerBoehner: Report: insurance premiums 2 "dramatically increase" under #hcr House voted 2 repeal #hcr #4jobs:

RT @SpeakerBoehner: Report: insurance premiums 2 "dramatically increase" under #hcr House voted 2 repeal #hcr #4jobs:

Yahoo! Answers: Search for

Open Question: Do you agree that the members of congress are the most powerful lobbyist in Washington?

Forget the Guardians Of Plutocracy (GOP) or Liberal Jackass designations of the republicans and democrats. With only a few exceptions, they are all the same. Consider this scenario and see if you recognize America's number one problem:

An agent of Exxon, or the Bank of America, or the Pharmaceutical Association, or the Health Insurance Industry, or the Arms Manufacturing Association, or any other of the participants in the Military Industrial Complex, or the Agriculture Industry, or the Chamber of Commerce, or the Super Pac's, or the American Association of Special Favors (AASF), or the....well, you get the idea, comes into the office of a member of the House of Representatives or the Senate, and hands over a rather large check, as a "contribution" to the members reelection fund, and a copy of a legislative Bill they would like the member to seriously, consider introducing for the betterment of America.

The member then contacts other members and offers a favorable vote on one of their Bills in exchange for a favorable vote on one of the other member's Bills. Then other members hear that this member is willing to trade favorable votes for favorable votes and the song plays on until "negotiations" are finished and the Bill is passed. Everybody wins? Well, almost everybody.

The fly in the ointment is, of course, that for every winner there is a looser. I will let you figure out who that looser might be. To help you decide, I offer this thought: the most important item on the agenda of every member of congress is reelection and where to get the millions of dollars needed to insure that happening.

If you agree with what I have outlined here, then you must recognize that the American people will pay for those reelections in one way or another. You should also consider that we need to get the money out of politics. An Amendment to the Constitution overturning the Supreme Court ruling in Citizens United and the public financing of Federal Elections is the only way that could be done; think about it. This would leave the members of congress free to vote their conscience and constituency preferences on legislative law.

health insurance - Google Blog Search

Health Insurance Terms – Deductibles | John Winroth's Personal ...

Health insurance for was initial developed within the early portion of the 20th One particular hundred year. To add success in the majority of times, what we end up needing is a nourishing and artistic mind which is why good ...

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There was something sad about that, of course, that she saw regular medical care as the province of some other kind of people, more middle-class, I'm guessing she meant. That just wasn't her reality. Maybe she could have gone to a Planned Parenthood or ...
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