Thursday, March 29, 2012

II. Why Wouldn't People Like ObamaCare?

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II. Why Wouldn't People Like ObamaCare?

How should we understand the ugly polling numbers for ObamaCare? It may be helpful to consider various groups of Americans in order to understand what they could find objectionable in ObamaCare.

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Open Question: If Obamacare is overturned, will children under the age of 26 not be covered under their parent's plan?

So I am 25 right now, and with Obamacare I am covered under my parent's health plan for the remainder of this year. I was wondering if the ruling against the policy, that people are mandated to have health insurance, would affect the policy of children under 26 be covered under their parent's plan. I'm worried because I just was diagnosed with a lifelong disease. Which without insurance would cause me $1400 in pills per month. One more year of not worrying about that would be nice. Thanks, any answers would be appreciative.

Google Videos - health insurance

Its about economy of scale. When you sign up for healthcare coverage, you join a group of other people to combine your healthcare purchasing power ...

health insurance - Twitter Search

RT @drgrist: You know what limits personal freedom? Having your health insurance tied to a crappy job. Universal healthcare would unleash risk-taking.

RT @drgrist: You know what limits personal freedom? Having your health insurance tied to a crappy job. Universal healthcare would unleash risk-taking.

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