Friday, March 30, 2012

Open Question: What's wrong with my brother?

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Open Question: What's wrong with my brother?

He's been sick for about 6ish months now. Not with one long persistent cold or something, just as soon as he gets better from one a little while later he'll get something else. Like he'll have a cold, then as soon as he gets over that he'll get something else like a week later. He can't afford medical insurance at all and none of his illnesses have been life threatening so he won't go to the ER either. It's starting to take a toll on his health I think, he used to be really healthy looking and now he's lost some weight and looks kind of sick all the time. He quit smoking (which he didn't even do that much in the first place) in January and it didn't help anything at all like he thought it would. he washes his hands constantly and eats healthy (when he can eat). i'm starting to get worried about him. He also throws up a lot more than the average person should (not on purpose!) and I know he hates that. I would offer to take him to the doctor but i'm only 14 and he's my legal guardian and i'm living with him as of right now (family issues) so i see him every day and can tell it's getting pretty bad. I asked something like this before and all i got was that he's on drugs or has some sort of std, which he doesn't, so please don't say that hahaha. Any tips on staying well?What could be wrong with him?

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