Sunday, March 25, 2012

Telemedicine Provider MD247 Offers Members 24 Hour Talk to a Doctor Call Line

Telemedicine Provider MD247 Offers Members 24 Hour Talk to a Doctor Call Line

If you are a member of the MD247.COM program, and begin to feel ill, MD247.COM would like to provide the opportunity to talk to a doctor right away using their telemedicine call line.

(PRWeb March 25, 2012)

Read the full story at

health insurance - Twitter Search

2 years later: Health care law helps, hurts, provokes in Florida: S. Supreme Courtto strike down as unconstituti...

2 years later: Health care law helps, hurts, provokes in Florida: S. Supreme Courtto strike down as unconstituti...

Google Videos - health insurance

Its about economy of scale. When you sign up for healthcare coverage, you join a group of other people to combine your healthcare purchasing power ...

Telemedicine Provider MD247 Offers Members 24 Hour Talk to a Doctor Call Line

If you are a member of the MD247.COM program, and begin to feel ill, MD247.COM would like to provide the opportunity to talk to a doctor right away using their telemedicine call line.

(PRWeb March 25, 2012)

Read the full story at

health insurance - Bing News

Obamacare health-insurance exchanges are set up to fail - The Star-Ledger - (blog)

The national health-care plan enacted by President Obama had its second anniversary the other day. Central to the plan are health-insurance exchanges that would be set up by the states to offer care to the uninsured. Earlier this month the state ...

Yahoo! Answers: Search for

Open Question: I have a question for the Tea party/republicans?

46.6 million americans were uninsured in 2005, total federal spending on health care is roughly a quarter of the budget. thousands die every year due to lack of health insurance. out of the industrialized countries america has the highest mortality rate and lowest life expectancy. we are the only industrialized country without universal healthcare, even India, a country of 1.3 billion people has a universal health care system. you talk about freedom to not buy insurance, but who doesn't want insurance? it just makes no sense. can you please explain to me, how do you wake up every morning and believe it is a good idea and best for the country to repeal obamacare? why do you believe allowing a government option for those who cannot afford it is a bad thing? not to mention a large portion of the tea party are evangelicals. jesus would be rolling over in his grave if you think that is what he would want you to repeal obamacare. jesus hated the rich and provided for the sick and poor, I mean, have you read the bible? although, it is all a load of 2#$# but that's a whole different discussion. It just amazes me. someone please explain.

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