Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Justices weigh health law's fate if no insurance mandate - USA Today

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Justices weigh health law's fate if no insurance mandate - USA Today

WASHINGTON – The Supreme Court's justices appeared torn on Wednesday over how much of President Obama's health care overhaul they will have to kill off if they decide that the requirement that Americans purchase health insurance is ...

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Affordable Care Fact - Cosmo - Indianapolis

Hi. My name is Cosmo. I love my papa. I love my toys. And I love treats. Thanks to the Affordable Care Act, my papa can no longer be denied health insurance due to preexisting conditions. That means more money in his pocket, and more treats for me! That is my Affordable Care Fact.


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Reason-Rupe: In Addressing Health Care Needs, More Americans ...

The recent national Reason-Rupe poll finds that 9 percent of Americans have a high level of trust in government in addressing their health care needs, compared to 27 percent who have a high level of trust in their health ...

New medical tourism research from Treatment Abroad states 9 out of 10 patients would do it again

Major new survey reveals the latest trends in medical tourism - travelling overseas for surgery: most saved thousands on treatment, 90% would recommend it to others, Belgium is number 1 choice. (Full report available on request to acredirted jornalists, plus case studies for all major findings and expert analysis)

(PRWeb March 28, 2012)

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