Friday, March 30, 2012

Want to See a Health Insurance Death Spiral? Visit Washington State - Forbes

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Want to See a Health Insurance Death Spiral? Visit Washington State - Forbes

The Supreme Court: Obamacare's Death Panel? Avik Roy Contributor Yesterday’s Seattle Times summarizes what happened. In 1993, Democrats were in control of both legislative chambers and the Governorship. They passed the Washington Health ...

Washington DC Spends More on Health Insurance than Any Other City, New Study Shows

New study by health insurance quote provider shows that Washington, DC spends the most on healthcare out of any city in the United States. Ogden, UT, the study shows, spends the least.

(PRWeb March 30, 2012)

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The What Ifs | The Health Care Blog

In 1992, New Jersey passed health insurance reform that required insurance carriers to either offer individual health insurance on a guaranteed issue basis or pay an assessment to carriers that did. Other elements of the ...

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