Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Open Question: Problems with my mom?

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Open Question: Problems with my mom?

I have terrible anxiety and depression. This started when I entered junior high around the age of 12-13. I was sexually harassed by my friend’s brother. It never became physically, but it still haunts me at 23. There were several situations that were terrifying to me. Once when I was getting out of school, he tried to grab me on the butt, but ended up breaking my backpack since I had it on so low. Another situation was when I was at my friend’s house and he was bothering me and kept making sex noises. I asked to use a phone so I could call my mom to pick me up and when they refused, I walked a few blocks to a payphone. He ended up following me and tried to drag me back and even tried to cuff my arms so I couldn’t move. There happened to be guys across the street so I yelled loudly for him to get off me. Once they looked at him, he backed off and went home. The last situation was when I was at their house. My friend had left to use the restroom. When she left, he jumped on top of me and wouldn’t get off of me. I took my foot a kicked him…hard. He ended up hitting his head on a nearby chair.

My problem is this still scares me. Because of what he did I am terrified of being alone with a man by myself. This is probably the reason why I am overly shy and have never had a boyfriend in my life. I haven’t even been kissed and I’m 23! I don’t want to be like this anymore. I want to get married and have kids. I want to be happy, but because of my depression I have gained so much weight that I feel ugly. I used to be an active girl. I wasn’t good at sports, but I was always skinny and now I am very obese at 230 pounds.

I have no health insurance. My mom is on a fixed income and only makes about $800 a month and this has to pay for bills and everything. And I am terrified of getting a job (I had one for a few years, but again I was harassed by a male coworker who would constantly insult me. My work wouldn’t do anything so I was forced to quit).

And now today, my mom made me so mad. She wanted me to stay home and wait for a house inspector today. If the person was a woman, I would be better, but it’s a man that I do not know and the last time I was alone with a guy was when the guy jumped on top of me.

I told my mom how much this scares me and she told me that my feelings were stupid and that I need to stop being a baby and get over it. I think this is wrong for my mom to say. She, herself, was almost attacked and because of it, she now gets social security for PTSD. If anyone would know how I feel, it should be her.

I was wondering…How can I get my mom to understand my pain? Or at least be nice about it?

Btw, I’m sorry it’s so long.

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