Monday, May 21, 2012

Open Question: Stopped drinking but worried there may be irreversible damage?

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Open Question: Stopped drinking but worried there may be irreversible damage?

Stopped drinking but worried there may be irreversible damage?
I’m 31 years old (almost 32). I have been drinking since I was 18. I haven’t really had a problem until the last several months. I used to drink 1-3 times a month socially but the last several months it’s been 3 days a week and this last month it’s been about 4 (this last month was a lot which is why I want to quit). I stick to beer but I can drink anywhere from 12-18 beers in an evening.

When I stop I usually feel better after a couple of days (2 days later). However I last drank Friday and it’s now Monday and I still feel bad. Symptoms include body weakness (especially in my legs), pain in right side and general torso area and overall weakness of my entire body. It’s making me wonder if that excessive drinking has caused something serious because usually the third day (which would be today) I feel fine – or at least better- after drinking, but I feel pretty bad right now. I do not have health insurance at the moment.

I am getting worried but I don’t know what to do. Should I just ride it out and see if I feel better? I said I had been drinking a lot over the past several months, but especially this last month (this last month has been the most I’ve drank). Could this just be my body recovering from all the alcohol intake? Also, this last month I haven’t been exercising like I used to.
Sorry if that was really long
ALSO, if it matters. I did go for a full physical in August of 2011 (9 months ago) and everything came back normal

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