Thursday, May 24, 2012

Resolved Question: Why do republicans say to have health insurance is not a right?

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Resolved Question: Why do republicans say to have health insurance is not a right?

I dont get people saying stuff like "those without ability to provide health insurance for themselves deserve and get nothing. we don't have to pay for slackers. Healthcare is NOT a right, it is a paid service"
also wonder if people would be questioning their rights when they have no health insurance & bills pile up & they say it is my right to get paid $xxxx.00 a week to help me pay for health insurance?
In this day of unemployment and jobs that do not provide health insurance are those that cannot afford high premiums slackers& if they get sick oh well
Also if Republican Congress is so against it why dont they give up their medicare at age 65 & see how much the bills cost? if blood tests costs about $150 I can only imagine what prostate cancer care costs out of pocket!
for all those saying read the constitution, dont be a deadbeat, or I am stupid is ridiculous and mean. Maybe shouldve just asked what is the real opposition to universal healthcare?
Other countries have it and like it. And I just dont understand how so many people are against it?
I had health care provided by a job for 15 years and now I don't. I pay out of pocket. I dont get anything for free. And I work hard. I am not a slacker. I guess my next question on here should be all those opposed-do you currently have health insurance provided by your companies??

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The Sun believes Baltimore's new archbishop, William E. Lori, will be challenged by "far more pressing" social concerns than those posed by Barack Obama's health care mandate ("A new archbishop," May 20). I think not. Under the new law, ...
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