Monday, May 21, 2012

Your Stories Of Being Sick Inside The US Health Care System - NPR (blog)

Google Videos - health insurance

Its about economy of scale. When you sign up for healthcare coverage, you join a group of other people to combine your healthcare purchasing power ...

health insurance - Google News

Your Stories Of Being Sick Inside The US Health Care System - NPR (blog)

Your Stories Of Being Sick Inside The US Health Care System
NPR (blog)
We asked people to share their experiences of the health care system, and within 24 hours, we were flooded with close to 1000 responses. The stories were often lengthy and detailed. From Oregon to Florida and Maine to Mississippi, Facebook respondents ...

and more »

Yahoo! Answers: Search for

Open Question: Should I drop the cash for an X-ray of my foot?

I don't have health insurance at the moment, so a trip to the doctors for an X-ray is my last resort, but I'd like to know if I should. Note: I have kept my foot elevated and iced (for about 15-20 minutes at a crack throughout the last 3 days) and it hasn't been helping except for the initial numbness. I've tried ibuprofin/motrin without any help either.

Here's what happened:

About 6 days ago now I was doing a fast walk through my apartment hallway to get to my cellphone that was ringing in the kitchen, and my cat - being a cat - decided to test his ability to incapacitate his human. He ran in front of me, I tripped and nearly fell on him. In order to stop from squishing my obviously evil cat, I twisted my foot sideways and it kind of... gave out? I think would be the best way to explain it.

It's my left foot, and on the outside, the ball of my foot on the side is swollen and a little bruised, and when I put pressure on it the pain shoots up to about mid ankle. It's swollen pretty bad to around the front of my foot. I didn't notice too much because I'd worked the last 5/6 days straight standing on my feet all day as a cashier, and I just figured that it was just me being a wimp, so I put it off.

But yesterday I was trying to ice my foot on my break so I could make it the last hour of my shift when one of the other girls saw me icing it and promptly sent me home asking me how I was still standing on it.
I can walk properly for about a step before the pain makes me limp or try to not use the foot, and it looks, well, it looks like something roundish is "sticking out" or that the bump in the side of my foot is is pointed a little.

So, should I go get the X-ray or try waiting a little bit?

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